Johnny Cash's Surprising
Although he died in 2003, Johnny Cash is still a favorite for those of us who have always enjoyed
his music while also finding his erratic path through life a little fascinating. But even though Cash
was known to have gone through a few rough patches along the way, his fans might be surprised
to hear that one of his most embarrassing moments came in connection with one of his biggest songs.
Although Cash's concert at Folsom Prison in 1968 was a pivotal point in his career, he'd actually
cobbled together his "Folsom Prison Blues" more than a decade earlier. But in the years following
the concert it became one of his signature songs, which made it sort of embarrassing when
bandleader/composer Gordon Jenkins sued Cash over its origin. It turned out that the song
borrowed a lot from an earlier piece called "Crescent City Blues," written by Jenkins and performed
by his then-wife, Beverly Mahr. The lawsuit was quietly settled out of court after Cash reportedly
paid Jenkins $75,000. (You can hear both versions below.)
Gordon Jenkins began his career in the
working with the big bands, including Benny Goodman's, but he was much1930s as a multi-instrumentalist
better known later in his career for composing, arranging and conducting
for some of the biggest stars around. Included among his collaborators
were people like Dick Haymes, Nat King Cole, Judy Garland, and Frank Sinatra,
with whom he won a 1967 Grammy.
For the records he generated while leading his own band, Jenkins specialized
in the kind of easy listening music that has always seemed to be a part of the music scene.
Most of his recordings are filled with a lush orchestral sound, heavy with strings, although he did
occasionally try other things (like his 'blues' song). He had a long career that continued almost up
until his death in 1984 from ALS, commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease.
Gordon Jenkins & Orchestra – "Caravan"
Aunque concierto de Cash en la prisión de Folsom en 1968 fue un punto decisivo en su carrera, él en realidad había improvisado su "Folsom Prison Blues" más de una década antes.Pero en los años siguientes el concierto se convirtió en una de sus canciones firma, lo que hizo una especie de vergüenza cuando director de orquesta / compositor Gordon Jenkins demandado a Cash por su origen. Resultó que la canción prestado mucho de un trabajo anterior llamado "Crescent City Blues", escrito por Jenkins y realizada por su entonces esposa, Beverly Mahr. El pleito se resolvió en silencio fuera de la corte después de efectivo habría pagado 75.000 dólares Jenkins. (Usted puede escuchar las dos versiones más abajo.)
Para los registros que genera al mismo tiempo al frente de su propia banda, Jenkins especializado en el tipo de música fácil de escuchar que siempre me ha parecido que una parte de la escena musical. La mayoría de sus grabaciones están llenas de una exuberante sonido de orquesta, cargado de cadenas, aunque lo hizo en ocasiones tratan de otras cosas (como la canción de su 'blues'). Tenía una larga carrera que se prolongó casi hasta su muerte en 1984 de esclerosis lateral amiotrófica, conocida comúnmente como enfermedad de Lou Gehrig.
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